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Accounting implementation

So you’re implementing accounting! This guide is intended for For Benefit Of (FBO) account users that are implementing commingled accounts. You'll want to have an engineer and an accountant for this project (or someone comfortable wearing both hats).

Accounting can cover a few different functions within an organization so for the sake of clarity we’re going to be explicit about each function:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Reconciliation
  • Analysis
  • Preparing financial statements

This guide solely covers Bookkeeping and Reconciliation.


Bookkeeping is generating the individual debits and credits.

Identifying data sources

To start, you should identify which sources of information you’ll use to generate your financial records. This is both the hardest and the most important part of accounting.

For the most part, it’ll be helpful if these are external sources: the ad network summaries you receive, your payment processor reporting, your supplier invoices or receipts. External sources are usually well specified and subject to more formal change processes. They're also easier to point to during an audit.

One source that you should be careful not to use is your bank statement. While this may seem counterintuitive, it is important to save bank statements for Reconciliation.

Debits and credits

Next, you should think about how these records should generate debits and credits. For example, when you receive a record of a sale from your payment processor, you might want to:

  • Debit your payment processor
  • Credit your drop shipper
  • Credit your Profit and Loss account

When your payment processor transfers funds to you, you’ll then want to:

  • Credit your payment processor
  • Debit your bank account

And when you pay your drop-shipper, you’ll want to:

  • Debit your drop-shipper
  • Credit your bank account

Within each of these sets, all transactions are dated the same and so your books should balance at all times. Often timing differences are used to explain unbalanced books. If your accounts are set up correctly this should never happen. Unbalanced books due to timing differences indicate that you’re missing an account.

The transactions' date will be when you reasonably expect the real-world action to occur. For example, if your payment processor says they’ll transfer funds to you on Friday and they’ve been reasonably reliable in the past, future-date the transaction for Friday.

Your rules about how debits and credits are generated from external records are where much of your accounting policy is set and enforced. In fact, the code that generates the debits and credits, including its version control history, can be a great point of discussion with auditors who are trying to understand your accounting policies.


Now that you’ve defined your debits and credits, you know what accounts you need. One note: you’ll oftentimes be tempted to introduce a sub-account (drop-shipper EU sales for example) which isn’t strictly needed for Bookkeeping, but is needed for Analysis. Rather than introducing unnecessary accounts, we’d strongly encourage you to use tags. The reasons for using tags rather than sub-accounts are:

  • Decouple Bookkeeping from Analysis
  • Give yourself flexibility in the future to change the subclassifications
  • Not limit yourself to a strict hierarchy when you want a transaction to have multiple classifications

OK, now how do you test if things look right on your side? Reconciliation!


Reconciliation is comparing independent sources for consistency. While Increase will reconcile your bank account balances to your bookkeeping balances, you’ll want to do the same. If there are inconsistencies, you’ll need to address them.

Identifying data sources

Choosing which data sources to use for Bookkeeping and which to keep for Reconciliation can be non-obvious. Ideally you want the sources to be independent and from different providers. For example, it's better to reconcile a payment provider's daily reporting with a bank account rather than with the payment provider's monthly reporting.

Reconciliation can be the most intensive component of accounting because it requires a deep understanding of what third-parties are sending. It can require understanding things like timing cut-offs, currency rate sources, aggregation arrangements, and rounding conventions.

One-to-one, many-to-many

The cleanest reconciliations are one-to-one at the most granular level. Unfortunately that isn't always possible and so you might have to rely on one-to-many record matching.

An example is when your payment processor bundles together many payments into one transfer to you but solely gives you information on the payments and not on the bundled transfer.

The messiest reconciliations are many-to-many. These are rare and it's oftentimes a sign that a better understanding of the data sources is needed.

Inventoried accounts

For some accounts, the balance is fungible: transactions increase and decrease the balance but you don't have to care about how the transactions relate to one another. For other accounts, this isn't the case.

An example where you need to track how outs relate to ins is with any account representing food or other spoilable inventory. If inventory isn't moved along before it spoils, it needs to be written off.

A less obvious example is when you have only a 30 day window to raise an issue with a payment processor who failed to transfer a specific payment to you. Inventoried accounts are a stricter version of first-in-first-out accounting because transactions aren't necessarily even fungible by date or price.

For inventoried accounts, you'll need a record identifier that's shared by both sources. If that's not possible, you'll need to use heuristics for matching. For example, your payment processor and bank might not have a shared identifier for transfers to you, but you can heuristically match the date, amount, and statement descriptor.


You should be looking for missing, additional, and mis-matched transactions when reconciling. Any discovered mis-matches will, unfortunately, likely require manual intervention.

Other topics and questions

How do I handle a For Benefit Of (FBO) account?

The first step is to have a pseudo entity for the For Benefit Of account program. This is separate to your corporate entity. The For Benefit Of account program pseudo entity doesn’t have a Profit and Loss account; it must immediately pass Profit and Loss to other entities. It also doesn’t have equity.

Should I backfill data?

You’ll likely be asked if it’s necessary to backfill accounting data or whether you should just set initial balances and go forward. While this is ultimately up to you, oftentimes trying to solve a bundle of messy present-day issues is much easier when you look back at history and solve them one by one as they come up over time. Also, you’ll forever be tempted to attribute any confusing account balance to the initial balance that was set rather than digging further. Going back to history might seem like paying a lot of penance (especially if you weren’t at the organization when the messiness, or lack of recording happened), but it really can be worth it.

Separating clean and messy flows

You'll likely run into the difficulty when reconciling your bank account that some flows are well reported and can be reconciled easily while others are more difficult. An example of a clean flow is funds being transferred from your payment processor where you have advance reporting of what amounts will be transferred and when. An example of a messy flow is ATM cash withdrawals for petty cash.

It can be a good idea to completely separate these two kinds of activities into two different bank accounts: one which is expected to have items that don't easily reconcile and one that's expected to reconcile every day.

In the same way, you'll probably want separate corporate cards for not-separately reported versus separately reported transactions.

Where to start

While you might agree that these concepts seem worthwhile, you might now be asking where to start. There's a simple answer: start by programmatically reconciling your cash, or at least the flows that are reconcilable.

You'll do this by first identifying the records reported from partners that relate to cash movements. In Excel, manually generate the expected debits and credits for your bank accounts from these records and then compare the generated records to the actual bank account. When these records are consistently matching, move onto the next partner until you're able to reconcile all cashflows.

When you can reconcile ~all cashflows, then move on to non-cash flows.